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In general, virtualization works the same as on any other POWER distro. You can use either qemu (with or without KVM) or some frontend such as libvirt.

This will not cover usage of the virtualization tools, as you can easily find that elsewhere. However, it will cover quirks specific to Void, which are generally in KVM.


There are two methods to get KVM on POWER. These are:

  1. kvm_hv
  2. kvm_pr

They have matching modules in the kernel.

The kvm_hv method is the recommended way. It is the fastest, matching bare metal performance; however, it can only virtualize at most one generation older CPU. For example on POWER9, you can virtualize POWER9 and POWER8 using this method. It is also only available on modern machines (POWER7 and later). The endianness (and page size, to a degree) of the guest does not have to match.

The kvm_pr (PRoblem State) is the older method that runs entirely at user level. This has the advantage that you can use it to emulate any POWER or PowerPC CPU; it can emulate unsupported instructions and so on. However, it is also quite a bit slower, and requires the host to be running in HPT mode (Radix is not supported) – this has compatibility implications. The page size of the guest does not have to match, but it will nearly always be 4 KiB.

Compatibility summary

This is a summary of everything written below, to give you an idea what can and can’t run. Read the detailed sections below for more information. Bold are possible default Void configurations.

  • Radix host, 4 KiB pages (Void default on POWER9 and newer):
    • Radix guest, 64 KiB pages (HV)
    • Radix guest, 4 KiB pages (HV)
    • HPT guest, 4 KiB pages (HV)
  • HPT host, 4 KiB pages (Void default on POWER8 and older):
    • HPT guest, 4 KiB pages
    • KVM PR
  • Radix host, 64 KiB pages:
    • Radix guest, 64 KiB pages (HV)
    • Radix guest, 4 KiB pages (HV)
    • HPT guest, 64 KiB pages (HV)
    • HPT guest, 4 KiB pages (HV)
  • HPT host, 64 KiB pages:
    • HPT guest, 64 KiB pages (HV)
    • HPT guest, 4 KiB pages (HV)
    • KVM PR

Nested virtualization scenarios:

  • Radix guest, 4 KiB pages or 64 KiB pages:
    • Radix guest, 64 KiB pages (nested HV)
    • Radix guest, 4 KiB pages (nested HV)
  • HPT guest, 4 KiB pages or 64 KiB pages:
    • KVM PR

Host system configuration

Void uses kernels with 4 KiB page size. Other distributions generally use kernels with 64 KiB page size; the reason why is covered in our FAQ.

This, however, means there will be certain limitations, depending on your system configuration.

POWER9 and newer (Radix, HPT)

POWER9 machines (and newer) with a recent enough kernel (all that are provided by Void for ppc64le, and their big endian equivalents capable of booting on modern machines, which generally means 5.4 and newer – 4.19 big endian kernel can’t boot on modern machines newer than POWER6) default to Radix MMU. These systems have a multilevel page table similar to other architectures.

You can disable Radix MMU using the disable_radix kernel command line parameter. The only reason to do this is usually to use kvm_pr. If you do that, you will fall back to the traditional HPT (Hashed Page Table).

If you want to check what you’re running, use this command:

$ grep MMU /proc/cpuinfo

You will get either Radix or Hash.

POWER8 and older (HPT)

These machines only support HPT. This has compatibility implications, some of them with workarounds.


On supported hardware, this will usually be the default. You can make it explicit by specifying it as a part of your machine type in qemu, for example like -machine pseries,accel=kvm,kvm-type=HV.

The kvm_hv module needs to be loaded, and /dev/kvm needs to have permissions set so your user can access it. Usually this is done by adding your user into the kvm group (and log out and in).

Radix guests

As long as your host system is also Radix, you can run Radix guests. Radix guests do not have any limitations (other than those of KVM HV itself). By default, KVM HV guests running on Radix hosts are always Radix capable, and a compatible kernel will boot in Radix mode.

In general, this means it doesn’t matter what page size the guest has. You can boot kernels with either 4 KiB or 64 KiB page size on 4 KiB Radix hosts.

HPT guests

HPT guests will work on either HPT or Radix host. Unlike Radix guests, HPT guests need to have their page size smaller or equal to the host page size. That means default Void kernels can only run HPT guests with 4 KiB pages.

Configuring qemu for Radix guests

As a guest kernel can boot in either Radix or HPT mode, qemu cannot know ahead of time in which mode it will run.

With the default -machine pseries (and any pseries of version 3.x and newer), you will get an error like this by default on Void:

qemu-system-ppc64: Can't support 64 kiB guest pages with 4 kiB host pages with this KVM implementation

This can be fixed easily. All you have to do is restrict the maximum page size for HPT mode:

-machine pseries,cap-hpt-max-page-size=4096

Your Radix guests will then boot fine.

You can also use an older machine type. With something like -machine pseries-2.11, these guests will boot out of box.

Configuring qemu for HPT guests

HPT guests need to have their page size be either smaller or matching with the host. That means Void will by default not be able to boot 64 KiB page kernels with HPT. There is no existing workaround for that. You can run other distributions as containers, or compile your own alternative kernels for them.

Moreover, ever since this patch (qemu 5.0), HPT guests will not boot out of box. You will get an error like this instead:

qemu-system-ppc64: Unable to create 2048MiB RMA (VRMA only allows 512MiB)

The guest memory must be backed by larger than default pages. Fortunately, this can be worked around rather easily, by using the hugepages feature of the Linux kernel, which is one of the workarounds mentioned in the patch.

To manage hugepage mappings, you can use the hugeadm utility (glibc only, package libhugetlbfs-tools). However, for simple configurations, you don’t need any external tools.

First check your default huge page size:

$ grep Hugepagesize /proc/meminfo

By default, it will usually be 2048 KiB. You can alter this by specifying hugepagesz= on kernel command line, you can also specify multiple of them, the first one will be the default (the choices are 2M, 16M, 1G, 16G). You can also use the kernel command line to pre-allocate a specific number of hugepages of each type.

Let’s go with the easy default, in this case 2 MiB (2048 KiB). Allocate enough hugepages to cover guest memory. Let’s say, 2 GiB – this will be 1024 hugepages, plus some extra, let’s say 1100.

# sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=1100

Or alternatively:

# echo 1100 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages

If grep HugePages_Total /proc/meminfo says the number you want (should be if you have enough memory), you can proceed to mount the backing and give it correct permissions:

# mount -t hugetlbfs hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages
# chown root:kvm /dev/hugepages
# chmod 1770 /dev/hugepages

Later you can add this to fstab. The fstab line for that would be something like hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages hugetlbfs mode=01770,gid=<gid of kvm> 0 0.

You can also use the pagesize= option to mount hugepages of a specific size.

Either way, once you have mounted your backing somehow, you can easily pass it to qemu. On 4 KiB page hosts like Void, you will need to restrict the guest HPT size, otherwise you will get an error like this, even on say pseries-2.11:

qemu-system-ppc64: KVM can't supply 64kiB CI pages, which guest expects

Overall, the command will look like this, for example:

$ qemu-system-ppc64 -m 2048 -machine pseries,cap-hpt-max-page-size=4096 -mem-path /dev/hugepages ...

That’s it – the guest should boot now.

Nested virtualization with KVM HV

It is possible to nest KVM HV virtual machines. However, this only works in Radix mode, and you can only have nested Radix guests, i.e. HPT must not appear anywhere in the chain. You also need to enable it using yet another capability flag (cap-nested-hv), for example:

-machine pseries,cap-hpt-max-page-size=4096,cap-nested-hv=on


To use KVM PR, your host must run as HPT. You can then use something like -machine pseries,accel=kvm,kvm-type=PR to enable it. The kvm_pr kernel module must be loaded. You can use PR in parallel with HV.

If you don’t want to lose Radix and still want to use KVM PR, there’s a trick you can use. Simply start your host in Radix mode, then boot a HPT guest virtual machine and run your KVM-PR virtual machine nested in that.