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  5. Base System Requirements

Base System Requirements

These are the requirements of the live media. Manual installations as well as rootfs tarballs typically have lower requirements and can be used as long as you meet the criteria specified here.

Architecture CPU RAM Storage Platform
ppc64le POWER8 96MB 700MB OpenPOWER, IBM OF
ppc64le-musl POWER8 96MB 600MB OpenPOWER, IBM OF
ppc64 970/G5 96MB 700MB OpenPOWER, IBM/Apple OF
ppc64-musl 970/G5 96MB 600MB OpenPOWER, IBM/Apple OF
ppc G3 64MB 700MB Apple OF
ppc-musl G3 64MB 600MB Apple OF

Note: Graphical flavors require more resources, depending on the flavor.

Other platforms may also work, but are currently untested.

It is recommended to have a network connection available during installation, but it is not strictly necessary.